Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Salam and Greeting to all.

HR Homestay is the place that is quite nice to have your holiday stay without disturb. It is a small bungalow with simple decoration yet very clean and affordable to stay. The bungalow has 1 big room and 1 quite spacious living room that can occupied for maximum 6 people. Most importantly you will have your privacy while staying here.

You will love the place as it is near the sea. Just walk about 5 minutes, you are already at the beach.

 Pantai Puteri Beach view

Pantai Puteri Beach view

Lets have a quick glance at the bungalow.

Bungalow view at night

Bungalow front view

Living and dining area

View of spacious living room

Living and dining room area.
Kitchen area

Kitchen area

Kitchen area
Bedroom area

Bedroom Area

Toilet/Shower area
Please contact us or you can browse  section "GALLARY AND INFO" for more information about the bungalow.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Salam semua.

H&R HOMESTAY PANTAI PUTERI MELAKA akan dibuka August ini..rasanya 2nd week of August. Hope to have the house ready by then.
Rumah ni memang sesuai utk 1 family. Dari you bermalam di hotel hotel berdeketan, lebih baik bermalam di homestay kami.

Kemudahan memasak disediakan. Memang berbaloi dengan duit anda. Rumah pun baru dibina. Memang bersih dan cantik. Kawasan rumah berdekatan dengan Pantai Puteri..100 meter je didepan rumah.

Just to share with uols about Pantai Puteri ni.

Pantai Puteri ni terletak di mukim Tanjung Kling. Bermacam macam aktiviti dijalankan di pantai ini terutama peminat memancing. Pertandingan Joran selalu diadakan disini.

so harapan kami anda happy bermalam di homestay kami.

Jangan lupa bila datang ke Melaka ye.
