Monday, 11 November 2013



Salam and good morning to our guests yang dah buat booking with Puan Raini can contact En. Hazeri 0176707981 ye. He is already back from outstation so you can contact him with any question about your booking. 

Any inquiries on this homestay should also contact him ye.

Thank you.

Saturday, 31 August 2013


Salam dan Selamat Merdeka to Malaysian ye. Hari ni homestay HR Pantai Puteri dah ada tetamu. Please enjoy the stay.

For those yg tak kenal Pantai Puteri..jom cite skit.

OK Pantai Puteri ni dulu dikenali dengan Pantai Kundur berdekatan dengan Pantai Rombang. Pantai Puteri, ni berada di dlm Mukim Tanjung Kling,, Daerah Melaka Tengah,, 76400 Malacca.

Ia adalah perkampungan nelayan dan sekarang ni masih perkampungan nelayan dan pantainye pun sangat bersih. Banyak aktiviti dijalankan di kawasan pantai seperti aktiviti memancing, camping, picnic dan beriadah. Fasiliti tandas pun sangat bersih so mmg ok aktiviti riadah dilakukan disini.
Pada sesiapa yang ingin mandi manda pantai ni landai sedikit tapi bole saja mandi tp kene berjaga-jaga sedikit jangan mandi ketengah. Pokok - pokok ru yang melambai memang buat pantai ni sentiasa redup saja..

Setiap tahun , pasti nya akan ada pertandingan JORAN memancing. Beribu raban hadiah pertandingannya tau..tapi taun ni rasanya dah lepas bulan May lepas. Tapi tiada pertandingan pun anda mmg bole sentiasa memancing..bawa saja kelengkapan memancing.

credit to the owner of the pictures of Joran.

ok have to stop blogging kat sini dulu ye..sok sok ada gambar baru kami akan update kan entry jom kita wat tajuk tempat2 mkn yg best ok.

Saturday, 17 August 2013



Malaysia Indipendence Day is coming. Where are you going to spend your public holiday. "Jom Datang Pantai Puteri"

Staying overnight at our homestay at Pantai Puteri is worth paying. Most of the places tourist go are closed by. Most of the nice places to go are about 10-15 minutes from the house.

For e.g. have you tried Kuih Keria  from Limbungan Melaka. You should try. It is absolutely delicious. This stall listed in tv programme JALAN JALAN CARI MAKAN. A slightly different from usual Kuih Keria. It uses GULA MELAKA instead of the normal sugar and it is very delicious. Absolutely a must to eat. The stall is nearby Masjid (Mosque) Limbungan Melaka, which you need to drive about 10 minutes from the house heading to Melaka town.

At night there is another place for dining that we believe it is also a must to try. BARKAT ROTI JOHN. It is just 2 mins walking to the restaurant from the homestay. Visitors will definitely come to this restaurant to eat the famous roti John. For your information this is an original Roti John.

Jom come down to Melaka and stay at our homestay. Everything is nearby and you do not need to go far to eat when you stay at our homestay.

Do give us a call for more info.


Salam semua. Welcome to Pantai Puteri.
 If you are planning to spend some nights at Pantai Puteri, remember our HR homestay.
Why paying so much for hotel when you can spend less money on a small house fully furnished.

Our homestay is just close by to the beach.
You just need to walk about 2-3 minutes.
A simple and nice place to stay for a small family or max. 6 people.
Do give us a call for booking.
Have a privacy nights in our homestay.

Walking with your loved ones by the beach of Pantai Puteri.
For those who loves bbq, we also have a bbq place for rental in the house compound area. Seafood are easy to get, just walk about 80 meters from the house for the seafood stalls.

Some seafood are caught by Fishermen from Pantai Puteri 

Another lovely view of the beach.


Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Salam and Greeting to all.

HR Homestay is the place that is quite nice to have your holiday stay without disturb. It is a small bungalow with simple decoration yet very clean and affordable to stay. The bungalow has 1 big room and 1 quite spacious living room that can occupied for maximum 6 people. Most importantly you will have your privacy while staying here.

You will love the place as it is near the sea. Just walk about 5 minutes, you are already at the beach.

 Pantai Puteri Beach view

Pantai Puteri Beach view

Lets have a quick glance at the bungalow.

Bungalow view at night

Bungalow front view

Living and dining area

View of spacious living room

Living and dining room area.
Kitchen area

Kitchen area

Kitchen area
Bedroom area

Bedroom Area

Toilet/Shower area
Please contact us or you can browse  section "GALLARY AND INFO" for more information about the bungalow.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Salam semua.

H&R HOMESTAY PANTAI PUTERI MELAKA akan dibuka August ini..rasanya 2nd week of August. Hope to have the house ready by then.
Rumah ni memang sesuai utk 1 family. Dari you bermalam di hotel hotel berdeketan, lebih baik bermalam di homestay kami.

Kemudahan memasak disediakan. Memang berbaloi dengan duit anda. Rumah pun baru dibina. Memang bersih dan cantik. Kawasan rumah berdekatan dengan Pantai Puteri..100 meter je didepan rumah.

Just to share with uols about Pantai Puteri ni.

Pantai Puteri ni terletak di mukim Tanjung Kling. Bermacam macam aktiviti dijalankan di pantai ini terutama peminat memancing. Pertandingan Joran selalu diadakan disini.

so harapan kami anda happy bermalam di homestay kami.

Jangan lupa bila datang ke Melaka ye.
